Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Munich Germany

First of all, I love Germany. The weather is nice, the people are nice, the food is good, college is free, everything about Germany is pretty much awesome. 

Munich is a city far to the South in Germany. It's famous for this, the Glokenspiel (yes, you heard me). Every day at 11 am this tower chimes out an off-tune ditty and the life-size clockwork figures inside perform a jousting tournament and a dance. It's been doing it almost every day since the 1600s! Pretty cool.

Also my name is a train stop so Germany wins some cool points there.

This cathedral, besides having the most awesome paint job ever, was also decorate with hundreds of these folded paper shapes that look like a flock of birds that hang suspended in the air. I don't know why it was there but it was very cool.

Carmen and I made an obligatory visit to a Biergarten, or a Beer Hall, and tried some German Beer.

And it snowed!!!! The day after Christmas, just for me! <3

I took a very peaceful, beautiful morning stroll through the snow-covered parks and streets

Poseidon looks a little chilly!

Le me trying to be artsy

I seriously can't stress how much I like Germany





Also I found Narnia

And left a very confusing note for the owner of the restaurant that this table belongs to. 
Hope I made some German Whovian's day.

Then got a blizzard at the airport to see me off! Germany is seriously the best. 

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