Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Bruges, Belgium

Bruges is a small city in the north of Belgium, a small country sandwiched between Holland, Germany, Luxembourg and France.

It is well known for its unspoiled medieval architecture and atmosphere.

Another city of canals! 

I was a huge fan of Bruges' calm, laid back ambiance and small center. Everything was compact and easy to get to.

Some of the houses were SO COOL. I would live in that house in a heartbeat. All wood paneled and mossy and stone. It's right out of Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones.

It's not all quaint gables and village though. Bruges is famous for its massive churches that can be seen from pretty much anywhere in the city.

Seriously though they're huge.

I stayed in a super cool hostel called the Snuffel Backpacker Hostel, which was by far the coolest hostel I stayed in on my entire trip.

All the walls were painted graffiti style

And the wood of the beds was also scrawled with past occupants writing. I added mine to the mix.

The weather was chilly and a bit misty the whole time, but even in the cold the entirety of Europe stays pretty green. This ivy covered canal was particularly pretty.

I promise there are streets too. I just like canals.

Went for a scenic walk to the windmills on the hills surrounding Bruges.

 See this windmill? Climbed it. 

The sun came out just in time to give me some beautiful shots overlooking the city.

There's a stereotype that whenever Dutch people go on holiday, it's like being home because there are so many Dutch people traveling everywhere. #themoreyouknow

Bruges Selfie!

The main languages spoken in Belgium are French and Dutch, which sound more similar than I expected.

See? Both a street and an ever-present church steeple in one shot

The Christmas markets and the massive belltower lit up three days before Christmas.

And so I bid adieu to beautiful Bruges.

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