Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Doctor Who Experience

Another theme park in the UK is the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff, Wales. Most of the tour was more of a theme park ride than an exhibition, and photography and video was not allowed. We stepped into an elaborate room with all sorts of blinking lights and hanging tech looking things, and bantered with a video recording of our very own 12th Doctor Peter Capaldi. We milled through a larger-than-life TARDIS door and found ourselves in a very familiar console room. 

We piloted the TARDIS along with small children (not sure who was more excited about it either) as the whole console room rocked and shook, lights blinked, air whooshed at our faces, and the Doctor shouted orders at us from a video projected on the wall. It was basically a dream come true for any whovian!

After we landed the TARDIS, we crept to the next room to find ourselves surrounded by smoke and orange lighting. We had crash landed on Skaro, the homeworld of the infamous Daleks, the Doctor's arch enemies. Watching the show, you wouldn't think these little guys are very dangerous, right?

Well imagine the lights are dim, the air is thick with fog, and from the depths of the very lifelike wreckage around you you see blue lights begin to flicker to life. First there is one voice, "Exterminate." Then another, and another, and they start to surround you howling in their electronic hateful voices "EXTERMINATE!" 

It was actually quite an alarming experience, and I now understand how Daleks can be scary.

Next was the Weeping Angel room. I will not be posting a picture of the Weeping Angels here because I know better. The room was set up like a maze through a graveyard with flickering lights, occasional unnecessary loud noises, and various angel statues prepped to grab you. Sara was very anxious in this room. 

Finally we came out into the exhibition floor where they had old costumes, sets, props, and characters from the show. (That's a really cool spaceship interior in this photo, huh? And nothing else.)

I had a brush with upgrading via Cyberman

And saw my favorite characters' costumes up close

And I got to meet the face of Boe

Pretty great nerd day if I may say so

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