Saturday, October 25, 2014


The sun rises and I begin another adventure.

Today was Cardiff, the Capital City of Wales and one of the largest cities in Great Britain. One of its defining features is a beautiful Castle. 

Next trip I'm going to explore inside as well.

Then I went on a lark in the park. Saw some cool standing stones.

Got some writing done and did a little communing with nature.

This square may be familiar to some of you Torchwood fans...

Yes, that's right! It's the Torchwood Hub!

In the television show there is a secret government base directly beneath that monolith looking statue. 

It's pretty cool to stand where the TARDIS once landed!

#nerdselfie #itscold

Then we discovered an odd thing down by the docks...

Ianto Jones was arguably the most beloved character in Torchwood, and upon his death in the series finale (spoiler alert, sorry guys) the fandom freaked out. This little display started with one or two mourning fans who placed mementos of Ianto in the area where the door to the Hub once stood.

Since then, it has grown to be the largest memorial to a fictional character in the world. 

That's right. In the WORLD.

Fangirls, right?


There is also a little thing called the Doctor Who Experience. Tickets were, regrettably, sold out this weekend as it was the grand reopening. 

Don't worry. We'll be back.

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